Organizational structure:
According to Article 59 of the Constitution of Bangladesh, each union will be a part of the administration. A union can usually be formed with a rural area inhabited by 30-40 thousand people. Each union will be divided into 9 wards. The Union Parishad will consist of a total of 13 members, including one chairman and three women members from the reserved seats.
· Chairman (1 person) - will be elected by the votes of the adult voters of the Union.
6 members (9 members) - from each ward to the votes of the adult voters of the respective ward
Will be selected.
আসনে Reserved seats - For the purpose of electing members in the reserved seats, a union has to be divided into 3 wards and 1 member of the reserved women seat will be elected by the votes of the voters from each of those 3 wards.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS